For sample lessons, click on the links below.

Currently there are 397 faith-science lessons available online for free download. Since January 2009 there have been close to 1/2 million downloads. The materials on display here at the CreationLens website are the culmination of ITEST’s  six-year effort in faith/science education for Pre-K—Grade 8. 

Our founder, Fr. Robert Brungs, SJ, saw the need to reach the youngest Christians with the message of compatibility between faith and science. ITEST undertook the project Exploring the World, Discovering God and built an ensemble of learning modules designed for the elementary grades. There is continuity between this work and what ITEST has always told the adult community: faith and science are two complementary pathways toward greater knowledge of God. They need not be kept separate. Moreover, it is in the primary and middle school grades where that affinity should be introduced and developed.

Creation Lens: Exploring the World, Discovering God
New Marketing Strategies: Visits to Catholic Elementary Schools

  • Above left: Cyndi Hasten, Principal of Assumption Parish School and Sr. Marianne.
  • Above right: Cheryl Harness and Gregg Sturgill, Principal of St. Francis of Assisi School

Our hope is that teachers in Catholic Christian and non-Catholic Christian schools will make use of these learning modules to supplement existing curricula, where religion and science are commonly in completely separate compartments. As you peruse these modules, and consider how you might take advantage of them, feel free to download whatever you like.

– Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen Director, ITEST
– Cheryl Harness, Text Editor Grade 5 – 8

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Cardinal Rigali Center

20 Archbishop May Drive

St. Louis, MO 63119

© Copyright ITEST Institute

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