For many years ITEST has published books of the proceedings at its yearly conferences. Most of the books published since 1989 are still available for purchase from ITEST. Books published prior to 1989 may no longer be available for purchase, but you may contact the ITEST office for access.

All documents available for download are in the Acrobat PDF format.

Books Available For Purchase
 – Books listed on this page are available for purchase. This listing of books shows the book cover art, and allows you to view an abstract for each book. You will also be able to download an overview document that contains the cover art, the book abstract, table of contents and foreword for individual books. An order form for all the ITEST books available for purchase is also included at the end of each overview document. All the books sell for $15.95 and the price includes shipping and handling.

Books No Longer In Print – Books listed on this page are no longer available for purchase. Contact the ITEST office for access to the information in these books. The entire contents of a few of the out of print books are available as PDF downloads. These select books are shown at the top of the list.

The Vineyard: Scientists in the Church

Publication Date: 1992 

Science/Technology Education in Church-Related Colleges and Universities

Publication Date: 1989

Readings II in Faith and Science

Publication Date: 2003

Secularism vs Biblical Secularity

Publication Date: 1994

This book of essays and discussion explores the idea that the “blame” for secularism resides at least in part in our failure to live biblical secularity. How does secularism differ radically from Biblical secularity? The role of “unbridled consumption” was questioned as a contributing factor to the growth of secularism. These proceedings can be summarized by St. Paul’s statement to the Corinthians: “We all have knowledge; yes, that is so, but knowledge gives self-importance; it is love that makes the building grow.”

Christianity and the Environmental Ethos

Publication Date: 1996

The Science & Politics of Food

Publication Date: 1994 

The Science & Politics of Food

Publication Date: 1994 

A Seminar with Stanley Jaki, OSB
    — October, 1991, pp. 176.

Population Issues: Cairo, Copenhagen, Beijing
    — October, 1995, pp. 191.

ITEST Monograph: Selected Papers 1978 – 1971
    — March, 1989, pp. 121.

Decision, Oct.
    — October, 1988, pp. 85.

Is Democracy Possible in a High-Technology Society?
    — April, 1988, pp. 158.

Suffering: The Meaning and Management of Pain
    — October, 1987, pp. 95.

Biotechnology and Law, 
    — April, 1987, pp. 158.

ITEST Monograph, 
    — October, 1986, pp. 104. (out of print)

Brain Research/Human Consciousness, 
    — March, 1986, pp. 148.

Space Exploration and Colonization, 
    — October, 1985, pp. 119.

Science, Technology and Economic Systems,

    — March, 1985, pp. 144.

Contribution of Science to Christian Understanding, 

    — October, 1984, pp. 138.

Artificial Intelligence, 

    — March, 1984, pp. 144.

Science and Church, 

    — October, 1983, pp. 125.

Science-Faith Conflict?, 

    — March, 1983, pp. 125.

The Meaning of Health, 

    — October, 1982, pp. 118.

Effects of Technological Advance on the Survival of the Nation State

    — March, 1982, pp.122.

Warfare in the 1990’s

    — October, 1981, pp. 115.

The Patenting of Recombinant DNA

    — March, 1981, pp. 139.

ITEST Monograph – 1981

    — January, 1981, pp. 91.

Government Intervention and Regulation – II

    — October, 1980, pp. 120.

The State of the Art

    — March, 1980, pp. 137.

The Technology of Social Control – II

    — October, 1979, pp. 112.

Government Intervention and Regulation

    — March, 1979, pp. 179.

ITEST Conferences, Fall, 1978

    — October/November, 1978, pp. 117.

Technology of Social Control

    — March, 1978, pp. 179.

Fabricated Man VI – Fabricated Man and the Law

    — October, 1977, pp. 100.

Fabricated Man V – The Religion of Fabricated Man

         “The Limitations of Science in the Solution of Social Issues,”

            co-sponsored by NASA, 

    — March, 1977, pp. 96.

Human Sexuality

    — August, 1976, pp. 144.

Fabricated Man IV – Freedom in a Highly Technologized Society

    — April, 1976, pp. 108.

Fabricated Man III – Brain Research/Human Consciousness 

    — October, 1975, pp. 128.

Fabricated Man II – in vitro Fertilization

    — April, 1975, pp. 116.

Fabricated Man I – in vitro Fertilization, 

    — October, 1974, pp. 143.

The Citizen and the City

    — April, 1974, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 59.

Population: Facts and Attitudes, 

    — October, 1973, pp. 179.

Biological Revolution – Theological Impact, 

    — April, 1973, pp. 119.

Environmental Crisis-International Justice

    — September, 1972, Grottaferrata, Italy; April, 1972, St. Louis, pp. 160.

Death and Dying, (co-sponsored by the Catholic Hosp. Assoc.)

    — October, 1971, pp. 134.

Toward a Theology of Environment

    — September, 1969, pp. 34.

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