Webinars by Category:
ITEST webinars have been categorized into topic categories. Some webinars are relevant for several topics. Choose from one of the following topics to find a webinar relevant to your interest.
The Anthropic Principle, ‘Are we special?’ Did God make our ‘Goldilocks Universe’ for man?
"Our Goldilocks Universe: The Anthropic Coincidences" by Robert Kurland, PhD. "Against the Anthropic Principle" by William M. Briggs, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
Science and Religion: The Myth of Conflict
"Science and Religion: The Myth of Conflict" by Dr. Stephen Barr Watch this webinar HERE.
Finding God in Space Exploration and Extraterrestrial Life
"Apollo 8: Providential Mission to the Moon" by Paul Segura "Astrotheology: Where Science & Faith Meet Extraterrestrial Intelligence" by Ted Peters Watch this webinar HERE.
Bridging the Chasm: Quantum Mechanics and Christian Spirituality
"Bridging the Chasm: How Quantum Mechanics brings together the Physical & Spiritual Worlds" by Terrence Lagerlund, MD, PhD "Touring the Wonderland of Quantum Mechanics" by Robert Kurland, PhD Watch the webinar HERE.
Black Holes and Free Will: How Science and Faith Rely on One Another
"Science and Christian Faith: Two Methods, Two Complementary Truths and Certitudes" by Most Reverend Everard de Jong, and "Demystifying Science and restoring a proper relationship with our Faith" by Mattheus Uijttewaal, PhD. Watch this webinar HERE.
Everywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time: Faith and Science: Are they Really Opposed? or Not?
"Everywhen: God, Symmetry, and Time" by Thomas P. Sheahen, PhD "A Response to Dr. Sheahen" by Reverend Lawrence Brennan Watch this webinar HERE.
Science at the Doorstep to God
"Science at the Doorstep to God: Indications of Creative Transcendent Intelligence in Our Universe" by Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ, PhD "The Importance of Spitzer’s Science at the Doorstep to God" by Tom Sheahen, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
A New Understanding of Quantum Mechanics: Back to Aristotle and Aquinas
"Introduction to Aristotelian-Thomistic Metaphysics" by Sebastian Mahfood, OP "God and Quantum Theory" by Kenneth Francis "A New Understanding of Quantum Mechanics: Back to Aristotle and Aquinas" by Robert Kurland, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
Why Science is not God – How not to Idolize the Natural World Created by a Supernatural Being
"Fr. Jaki’s Limits of a Limitless Science" by Robert Kurland, PhD "Why God Loves Science" by Carla Mae Streeter, OP, ThD Watch this webinar HERE.
Science, Reason, and Faith: Discovering the Bible
"Science, Reason, and Faith: Discovering the Bible" by Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ, PhD "Using Science, Reason, and Faith alongside the Bible" by Tom Sheahen, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
Is Evolution Catholic?
"Cosmic Evolution, Chemical Evolution, and Biological Evolution and what it really means to believe that these occurrences are truly random" by David Keys, PhD "Biblical interpretation of the second creation account of Genesis through the magisterial teaching in Dei...
Is it Moral to Take the COVID-19 Vaccine? A Constructive Dialogue
"Why it is Morally Right to Take the COVID Vaccine?" by Melissa Moschella, PhD "Scandal and the COVID-19 Vaccine Moral Calculus" by Stacy Trasancos, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
A Post-Roe World
"Social Science in a Post-Roe World" by Patrick Castle, PhD "Healing in a Post-Roe World" by Kiki Latimer Watch this webinar HERE.
Addressing the Ethics of Disputed Medical Treatments
"Healing Post-Covid Healthcare by Greater Integration of the Humanities and Ethics into Healthcare Education" by Fr. Kevin FitzGerald, SJ, PhD, PhD "The Application of Faith and Reason to Clarify Truth in Medical Care" by Kevin Powell, MD, PhD "An Ethical Assessment...
Surviving Abortion Inside and Out
"Real Healthcare Defends Life at all Stages" by Patrick Castle, PhD "Abortion Pill Reversal: Giving Women a Second Chance at Life" by George Delgado, MD "Surviving Abortion as the Victim" by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
COVID-19 and Man’s Continued Desire for God
"Science is one way to respond to the pandemic because that is what God has given to us" by Reverend Nicanor Austriaco, OP, Reverend Thomas J. Davis, and Deacon Donald W. Sparling Watch this webinar HERE.
Male and Female He Created Them – Understanding Gender Dysphoria
"Medical Approaches to Alleviate Suffering from Gender Dysphoria" by Paul Hruz, MD, PhD "Authentic Pastoral Care in Light of Sexual Identity Discordance" by Reverend Philip Bochanski Watch this webinar HERE.
Bioethics and Law Understanding the Nexus
"Bioethics, Babies & Bromides: Truth and Meaning in Constitutional Jurisprudence" by Reverend Thomas J. Davis Watch this webinar HERE.
Treating Human Embryos as Human Patients: The Magisterial and Medical FAQs
"The Magisterial FAQS Regarding the Ethical Treatment-and the Legal Protection-of Human Embryos who are Human Beings" by Elizabeth Rex, PhD "The Medical FAQS Regarding the Ethical and Therapeutic Healthcare of Human Embryos who are Human Patients" by George Mychaskiw,...
Abortion Pill Reversal: Truth or Fiction?
"Abortion Pill Reversal: Preclinical Evidence" by Stephen Sammut, PhD. "From Blue Jeans to Vaccines: The Conscience of an Abortifacient World" by Stacy Trasancos, PhD. Watch the webinar HERE.
Do you want to be Genetically Engineered?
"An Introduction to the Science and Ethics of Human Genetic Engineering" by Reverend Kevin FitzGerald, SJ, PhD, PhD "Human Gene Editing and Human Dignity" by Tim Hunt "Gene Editing Clinical Progress and Regulatory Framework" by Richard Doerflinger Watch this webinar...
The Moral Arguments in the Embryo Adoption Debate
"Embryo Transfer: Morally Neutral or Intrinsically Evil?" by Charles Robertson, PhD "Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ARTs) vs Embryo Adoption (EA): What Does the Catholic Church Teach?" by Elizabeth Rex, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
In Vitro Fertilization and the Sanctity of Human Life
"Sanctity of Life: IVF: Science, the Church, and Bioethics" by Craig Turczynski, PhD "Assisted Reproductive Technology Violates Natural Law and Causes Harm" by Mary Anne Urlakis, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
Catholic Higher Education in a Culture of Death: Creating the World’s Most Faithful Catholic Medical School
"Catholic Higher Education in the New Millennium" by Benedictine President Stephen Minnis "Catholic Healthcare International, the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, and the Charism of St. Padre Pio" by Jere Palazzolo "Creating a New Medical School and Paradigm of Health...
Christ, Science, and Reason: What We Can Know About Jesus, Mary, and Miracles
"Christ, Science, and Reason: What We Can Know About Jesus, Mary, and Miracles" by Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, SJ, PhD "The Importance of Fr. Spitzer's Christ, Science, and Reason" by Thomas P. Sheahen, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
Do You Believe? The Science and Theology of the Eucharist
"The Data from the Eucharistic Miracles" by Stacy Trasancos, PhD "At the Church's Foundation: The Lord's Real Presence" by Monsignor C. Eugene Morris Watch this webinar HERE.
Evangelizing the Real Presence Miracles, Scripture, and Quantum Physics
"Why Believe in the Real Presence in the Eucharist" by David Keys, PhD The Value of Witness Testimony in Eucharistic Miracles" by Raymond C. Gerard Watch the webinar HERE.
The Fallen Angel Model
"The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries - A Speculative Dialog about the Evolution of the Universe" by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
Conscious Energy and the Mission of ITEST
"The Philosopher" by Joe P. Provenzano, MS in Physics "The Deacon" by Ron D. Morgan, a deacon in the Catholic Church "The Scientist" by Dan R. Provenzano, PhD in Applied Physics Watch this webinar HERE.
Faith That Makes You Think
"Faith is Under Attack" by Gerard Verschuuren, PhD "Mary’s Virtue of Blind Obedience" by Stacy Trasancos, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
Discovering the Fullness of Reality; How Partial Truths Obscure the Union of Faith and Science
"How recent advances in science are moving science and religion closer and closer together" by David Keys, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
A Discussion on the Book “A Beautiful Mind and Soul”
"A Beautiful Mind and Soul" by Stephen Barr, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
A Crucial Choice of World Views for the Future
"Subjectivity, Objectivity and their Mutual Interaction" by Fr. Joseph A. Bracken, SJ "Transformative Learning Theory & Reciprocal Causality: The Image & Likeness of God & Man" by Sebastian Mahfood, OP, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
Transhumanism and Transcendence: What are we Becoming?
"Transhumanism and Transcendence: What are we Becoming?" by Sister Ilia Delio, OSF, PhD "A Response to Ilia Delio" by Nicholas Sparks Watch this webinar HERE.
Center for the Study of The Great Ideas: “Philosophy is Everybody’s Business”
"Philosophy is Everybody’s Business" by Elaine Weismann Watch this webinar HERE.
Brain and Artificial Intelligence – A Tale of Two Computers: But Only One Made in the Image of God
"AI and Aristotle: Why No Artifact could ever be Conscious" by Robert Koons, PhD "Brain, Soul, Artificial Intelligence, and Quantum Mystery" by Terrence Lagerlund, MD, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
Media Bias: The Manipulation of Faith, Science, and Technology
"Modern Media Bias and the Lost Liberal Arts of Listening and Speaking" by Peter Redpath, PhD "Understanding the Patterns of Persistent Media Bias" by Thomas Sheahen, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
Assessing Contemporary Science in the Light of Faith
"Seeing science as the study of God’s handiwork changes the way you see the world. To learn about nature is to know God better" by Stacy Trasancos, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
“Food, Logic, and Creation: Does STEM help form better Catholics?”
"Creating a STEM Signature Course" by Thomas Marlowe, PhD "Science and Theology of Food" by Reverend Gerald Buonopane "Creation and Science" by Reverend Leo Patalinghug, IVDei Watch this webinar HERE.
Sowing Wildflowers in the Desert: God’s Powerful Work of Love in Pakistan
"The Fiat Foundation and Children of the Cross Mission in Pakistan and Afghanistan" by Aqif Shahzad "Children of the Cross: A Life-Changing Ministry Giving Hope, Light and Life" by Mary Kloska Watch this webinar HERE.
Teaching Research Processes
"Engaging Faculty in Teaching Research Processes" by Stacy Trasancos, PhD "How to Research Scientific Literature in the Light of Faith" by William Badke Watch the webinar HERE.
The Shroud of Turin
"The Scientific and Medical Aspects of the Shroud" by Mark Antonacci "Not Made by Hands: A Mysterious Image in Legends, Liturgies, and Paintings" by Reverend John Nickolai Watch this webinar HERE.
Christ’s Dialogue Method of Witnessing
"Love Letters from your Father: The Gospel of John" "Christ’s Dialogue Method of Witnessing, Part 1: The Method Jesus used to Gospel Witness" "Christ’s Dialogue Method of Witnessing, Part 2: Becoming Witnesses of Jesus" by Romuald B. Simeone Watch these webinars...
Faith and Facebook: Social Media and the New Evangelization
"Faith and Facebook: Evangelizing a Rural Parish Community in Southeast Missouri through Social Media" by Father Dominic O. Ibok, D.Min "Response to Faith and Facebook: The Sweetness and Light of Mediated Communication Technologies in the Service of the Church" by...
Two Wings: How Science and Theology Read One Another
"How Scientists Read Theology" by Stacy Trasancos, PhD "How Theologians Read Science" by Thomas Sheahen, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
Principles of Change: Teresa of Avila’s Carmelite Reform and Insights from Change Management
"Principles of Change: Teresa of Avila’s Carmelite Reform and Insights from Change Management" by Kristina Olsen Watch this webinar HERE.
How does social media affect children?
"Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put That Phone Down" by Sister Marysia Weber, RSM, DO, MA. "How Social Media Affects Children" by Kevin Powell, MD, PhD. Watch the webinar HERE.
Screen Time during COVID-19 and Beyond
"Screen Time - What Matters" by Sister Marysia Weber, RSM, DO, MA "Among the Marvelous Things: The Value for Evangelization of Appropriately Used Social Media" by Sebastian Mahfood, OP, PhD "The Social Media of a Country Priest" by Reverend Jason Signalness Watch this...
Counterfeit Self-Soothing: The Psychology of Pornography
"Understanding why persons of both sexes engage in pornography, and how it affects their relationships" by Chiara Simeone-DiFrancesco, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
Free Speech – What does it mean to speak freely in today’s world?
"Exploring Freedom of Expression in an Information Society" by Rachel Fischer "Is Speech Ever Free?" by Francis Etheredge "Defamation and free speech in the new enlightenment of Depp v Heard" by Peter Breen Webinar Moderator: Lawrence Hopperton Watch this webinar...
Preaching with the Sciences
"Preaching with the Sciences and the Science of Preaching" by Fr. Edward Foley, OFM Cap "Preaching with the Sciences — Reawakening Wonder in Worship" by Grace Wolf-Chase, PhD "Preaching with the Sciences — A Protestant Reflection" by Rev. Gerald C. Liu, PhD Watch this...
Education and Evangelization in the Age of AI: Promise and Perils
"Education and Evangelization in the Age of AI: Promise and Perils" by Greg Miller "Developing Human and Spiritual Practices that Allow for the Authentic Development of Integral Formation in the Age of AI" by Sebastian Mahfood, OP, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.
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