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Webinars by Category:


ITEST webinars have been categorized into topic categories. Some webinars are relevant for several topics. Choose from one of the following topics to find a webinar relevant to your interest.


Science at the Doorstep to God

"Science at the Doorstep to God: Indications of Creative Transcendent Intelligence in Our Universe" by Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ, PhD "The Importance of Spitzer’s Science at the Doorstep to God" by Tom Sheahen, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.

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Is Evolution Catholic?

"Cosmic Evolution, Chemical Evolution, and Biological Evolution and what it really means to believe that these occurrences are truly random" by David Keys, PhD "Biblical interpretation of the second creation account of Genesis through the magisterial teaching in Dei...

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A Post-Roe World

"Social Science in a Post-Roe World" by Patrick Castle, PhD "Healing in a Post-Roe World" by Kiki Latimer Watch this webinar HERE.

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Addressing the Ethics of Disputed Medical Treatments

"Healing Post-Covid Healthcare by Greater Integration of the Humanities and Ethics into Healthcare Education" by Fr. Kevin FitzGerald, SJ, PhD, PhD "The Application of Faith and Reason to Clarify Truth in Medical Care" by Kevin Powell, MD, PhD "An Ethical Assessment...

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Surviving Abortion Inside and Out

"Real Healthcare Defends Life at all Stages" by Patrick Castle, PhD "Abortion Pill Reversal: Giving Women a Second Chance at Life" by George Delgado, MD "Surviving Abortion as the Victim" by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.

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Do you want to be Genetically Engineered?

"An Introduction to the Science and Ethics of Human Genetic Engineering" by Reverend Kevin FitzGerald, SJ, PhD, PhD "Human Gene Editing and Human Dignity" by Tim Hunt "Gene Editing Clinical Progress and Regulatory Framework" by Richard Doerflinger Watch this webinar...

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The Moral Arguments in the Embryo Adoption Debate

"Embryo Transfer: Morally Neutral or Intrinsically Evil?" by Charles Robertson, PhD "Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ARTs) vs Embryo Adoption (EA): What Does the Catholic Church Teach?" by Elizabeth Rex, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.

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The Fallen Angel Model

"The Fallen Angel Model: Deeper into the Mysteries - A Speculative Dialog about the Evolution of the Universe" by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.

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Conscious Energy and the Mission of ITEST

"The Philosopher" by Joe P. Provenzano, MS in Physics "The Deacon" by Ron D. Morgan, a deacon in the Catholic Church "The Scientist" by Dan R. Provenzano, PhD in Applied Physics Watch this webinar HERE.

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Faith That Makes You Think

"Faith is Under Attack" by Gerard Verschuuren, PhD "Mary’s Virtue of Blind Obedience" by Stacy Trasancos, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.

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A Crucial Choice of World Views for the Future

"Subjectivity, Objectivity and their Mutual Interaction" by Fr. Joseph A. Bracken, SJ "Transformative Learning Theory & Reciprocal Causality: The Image & Likeness of God & Man" by Sebastian Mahfood, OP, PhD Watch this webinar HERE.

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Teaching Research Processes

"Engaging Faculty in Teaching Research Processes" by Stacy Trasancos, PhD "How to Research Scientific Literature in the Light of Faith" by William Badke Watch the webinar HERE.

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The Shroud of Turin

"The Scientific and Medical Aspects of the Shroud" by Mark Antonacci "Not Made by Hands: A Mysterious Image in Legends, Liturgies, and Paintings" by Reverend John Nickolai Watch this webinar HERE.

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Christ’s Dialogue Method of Witnessing

"Love Letters from your Father: The Gospel of John" "Christ’s Dialogue Method of Witnessing, Part 1: The Method Jesus used to Gospel Witness" "Christ’s Dialogue Method of Witnessing, Part 2: Becoming Witnesses of Jesus" by Romuald B. Simeone Watch these webinars...

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Screen Time during COVID-19 and Beyond

"Screen Time - What Matters" by Sister Marysia Weber, RSM, DO, MA "Among the Marvelous Things: The Value for Evangelization of Appropriately Used Social Media" by Sebastian Mahfood, OP, PhD "The Social Media of a Country Priest" by Reverend Jason Signalness Watch this...

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Preaching with the Sciences

"Preaching with the Sciences and the Science of Preaching" by Fr. Edward Foley, OFM Cap "Preaching with the Sciences — Reawakening Wonder in Worship" by Grace Wolf-Chase, PhD "Preaching with the Sciences — A Protestant Reflection" by Rev. Gerald C. Liu, PhD Watch this...

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