ITEST webinar
The Moral Arguments
in the
Embryo Adoption Debate
This webinar was presented on May 8, 2021
Dr. Charles Robertson’s Presentation Materials
Dr. Elizabeth Rex’s Presentation Materials
This webinar took place on May 8, 2021. Watch the webinar on the WCAT-TV link above.

Webinar Resources
Mary Anne Urlakis discusses the Sacred Dignity of Embryonic Human Life with Laura Elm
Episode 45 of WCAT Radio’s “Inter Vitam et Mortem: Between Life and Death: Interviews and Discussion with a Catholic Bioethicist” is broadcast in conjunction with the Institute for the Theological Encounter Between Science and Technology (ITEST) and an upcoming webinar entitled “The Moral Arguments in the Embryo Adoption Debate.”
Show host and Co-Founder of the Dignitas Personae Institute for Nascent Human Life, Dr. Mary Anne Urlakis, discusses the sacred dignity of embryonic human life with Laura Elm, the Founder and President of Sacred Heart Guardians and Shelter. Sacred Heart Guardians and Shelter is a charitable organization, guided by a profound respect for the dignity of every human person from the first moment of existence and founded with the mission of providing corporal and spiritual care for the youngest and smallest members of the human family. To this end, Sacred Heart Guardians and Shelter facilitates a dignified, prayerful, Catholic burial for embryos who die in Artificial Reproductive Technology (ART) laboratories. In this episode, Mary Anne and Laura discuss the fragility of embryonic human life and the necessity of treating each and every human person with the sacred dignity requisite to being created in the Image and Likeness of God.
Interview with Marlene Strege and Hannah Strege (the first snowflake baby)
Resource Articles
Embryo Adoption and Conscience
by Elizabeth Rex
National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly / Winter 2011
IVF, Embryo Transfer, and Embryo Adoption: A Response to Repenshek and Delaquil
A Thomistic Analysis of Embryo Adoption
The Magisterial Liceity of Embryo Transfer: A Response to Charles Robertson
Navigating an Impasse in the Embryo Adoption Debate: A Response to Elizabeth Rex
Impregnation versus Implantation in the Embryo Adoption Debate
Books related to this topic
Conception: An Icon of the Beginning
by Francis Etheredge
The Human Person: A Bioethical Word
by Francis Etheredge
Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration
by Francis Etheredge
Human Embryo Adoption: Biotechnology, Marriage, and the Right to Life
Edited by Rev. Thomas V. Berg, L.C. and Edward J. Furton
The Ethics of Embryo Adoption and the Catholic Tradition: Moral Arguments, Economic Reality and Social Analysis
Edited by Sarah-Vaughan Brakman and Darlene Fozard Weaver
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