ITEST Webinar
Conscious Energy
and the Mission of ITEST
This webinar was presented on March 19, 2022
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ITEST has the challenge to engage the young and the old by showing how science and faith are compatible. Many have left our Church. Many more will leave if they do not hear something different and compelling. In this webinar we discussed what the Philosophy of Conscious Energy is and how it can help ITEST with this challenge.
We discussed a new paradigm, or way of looking at reality. This new paradigm provides a way to express and explore items of faith using terms from modern science like evolution, energy and change of state. We provided more than three examples.
Our Presenters

The Philosopher
Joe P. Provenzano
has an M.S. in

The Deacon
Ron D. Morgan
is a deacon in the
Catholic Church.

The Scientist
Dan R. Provenzano
has a Ph.D. in
Applied Physics.
ITEST members received
a FREE copy of this book
courtesy of the author.
Conscious Energy, The Fallen Angel Model, and the Catholic Church by Joe Provenzano, Dcn. Ron Morgan, and Dan Provenzano (January 2022)
Book Review of the 1st Edition, The Teilhard Review by Tom Baxter (Autumn, 1993)
For a link to the Monitum on the Writings of Fr. Teilhard de Chardin, SJ, please click here.
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