FiRST Principles Journal
and Past ITEST Bulletins

The FiRST Principles journal (previously known as the ITEST Bulletin) is published 6 times a year and contains high-quality articles and related content pertaining to theology/faith, science, and technology. Written by experts, teachers, leaders, and clergy in these disciplines and others, the articles often explore the connections between science/technology and the Christian faith. Our journal stimulates the thought of readers throughout the United States and the world.

Dues-paid ITEST members receive a paper copy of the journal by mail. It is also published digitally and distributed by email to others.

You are heartily encouraged to participate. Do you have ideas for articles, themes, authors, or other content? Would you like to write an article (typically 500 to 2,000 words) or submit a proposal? Any other comments? We want to hear from you at

Contact our Administrative Assistant, Sheila Roth, at for more detailed information.

Currently, the following Bulletins are available as PDF downloads.
(Older copies of the Bulletins are available for review by contacting the ITEST office.)

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Cardinal Rigali Center

20 Archbishop May Drive

St. Louis, MO 63119

© Copyright ITEST Institute

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