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Some Elements of the Faith/Science Apostolate

Author: Fr. Robert A. Brungs, SJ Article Abstract: The author reflects on his 30 years of active involvement in the faith/science apostolate, stating that in the beginning he was convinced that “the real problem was the Church’s lack of knowledge and...

The Pax Romana Science Secretariat

Author: Peter Hodgson, PhD Article Abstract: Encouraging Catholic scientists to play their full part in the life of the Church, is the main role of the SIQS. In this article the author asks in different words what Father Robert Brungs, SJ often voiced, “Where are the...

The Carbon Dioxide Problem and You

Author: Jerry Hannan,PhD Doc. ID: HANNA001 Article Abstract: In this brief article the author states that people, emissions from cars, trucks, lawn mowers and use of herbicides are among the big contributors to CO2 in the atmosphere. See Eric Karlstrom’s article...

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