ITEST Webinar
Abortion Pill Reversal – Truth or Fiction?
This webinar was presented on June 8, 2024
Our presenters
Stephen Sammut, PhD
Abortion-Pill Reversal:
Preclinical Evidence

Dr. Stephen Sammut received a B.Pharm from Monash University (Victoria, Australia) and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Malta (Malta, Europe). His research utilizes preclinical models to investigate psychopathological behavior. He has authored and co-authored papers in leading scientific journals, including his groundbreaking studies relating to abortion and abortion-pill reversal. His research efforts currently focus on investigating: 1) the neurological, biological and behavioral consequences of drug-induced abortion, 2) the abortion-pill-reversal, 3) the development of an animal model for relocating the embryo in ectopic pregnancy and 4) mental health and related behaviors in the university student population.
Abortion-pill reversal (APR) is the process where a woman, regretting her abortion shortly after taking mifepristone (RU486), is administered progesterone in an effort to stop and reverse the abortion process. APR is treated as medically/scientifically unsound and dangerous to women. However, what does the reality tell us? Does objective reality support the narrative fed to the public? This presentation addressed the objective scientific reality underlying APR, including recent findings from my laboratory. The presentation also addressed briefly the previous preclinical findings pertaining to the negative consequences of abortion and aspects relating to the abuses and manipulation of objective scientific truth in the current mode of operation of the scientific and medical fields that are driving the attack on APR.
Stacy Trasancos, PhD
From Blue Jeans to Vaccines: The Conscience of an Abortifacient World

Stacy Trasancos has a Ph.D. in chemistry from Penn State University and worked as a senior research chemist for DuPont before converting to Catholicism. She left her career to stay home with her children. In those years, she earned a M.A. in dogmatic theology and published five books on the integration of science and theology. Dr. Trasancos teaches online science and theology courses for Seton Hall University, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, and Belmont Abbey College and is a Fellow of the Word on Fire Institute. She is, at last, pursuing a second M.A. in systematic philosophy.
An abortion is characterized by pro-choice advocates as a concern of personal autonomy, expressed most succinctly in Planned Parenthood v Casey (1992): “At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. Beliefs about these matters could not define the attributes of personhood were they formed under compulsion of the State.” The abortion industry naturally exploits this narrative by politicizing in the name of human rights a procedure that denies those very rights. At the heart of these politics is an anti-personhood agenda that counts on the complicity of pro-life advocates. Such a shaky moral landscape became apparent during COVID when prominent Catholic leaders were promoting, under the principle of double-effect, immorally created vaccines as morally licit. This presentation engaged the moral dimension of an issue that pervades even those areas of our lives where we least expect it to surface.
Q&A Moderator
Elizabeth B. Rex, PHD

Dr. Elizabeth Rex is president of The Children First Foundation, a charitable and educational organization dedicated to promoting Adoption as a positive and loving choice for unwanted unborn children, including unwanted frozen embryos. Dr. Rex has taught Bioethics at Holy Apostles College & Seminary and Catholic Studies at Sacred Heart University. Dr. Rex is currently an Associate Scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute and has spoken at major conferences and is a frequent contributor to National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly regarding the moral arguments in the embryo adoption debate.
At the beginning of the webinar, Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas, Executive Director of the Catholic Education Foundation, took five minutes to inform the audience about an upcoming conference, The Role of the Priest in Today’s Catholic School.

Download the registration form HERE.
Webinar resources
Dr. Stephen Sammut’s Resources
Sammut Lab webpage
Donate to the Sammut Lab HERE.
Progesterone-mediated reversal of mifepristone-induced pregnancy termination in a rat model: an exploratory investigation
Biological, Behavioral and Physiological Consequences of Drug-Induced Pregnancy Termination at First-Trimester Human Equivalent in an Animal Model
Abortion-pill reversal study executive summary
Abortion Study Executive Summary
Podcast with AAPLOG’s Caring for Both: A Curbside Consult Series
Interview for the Rooney Report addressing/explaining the preclinical research conducted in the lab pertaining to abortion and APR
Dr. Stacy Trasancos’ Resources
Dr. Trasancos’ books page
Dr. Stacy Trasancos’ Substack: Engaging Atheism
Other Resources
St. Louis Archdiocese “Walking with Moms” Resource Page
Dr. Alan Moy’s final publication before his death: This One Abortion Story Changed Medicine Forever, But Pro-Lifers Hardly Talk About It
Obituary of Alan B. Moy
1959 – 2024

Watch this October 2023 ITEST webinar, Surviving Abortion Inside and Out. Dr. George Delgado speaks about Abortion Pill Reversal.
Watch the beginning of this episode of EWTN Pro-Life Weekly where they discuss the lawsuit that New York’s Attorney General is filing against pro-life pregnancy centers for promoting abortion pill reversal treatment. Dr. George Delgado, who was a presenter on the October 2023 ITEST webinar, uses the treatment and explains the science behind it. He references the great work that Dr. Stephen Sammut does in his research.