The Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology (ITEST) is an association of theologians, scientists, technology specialists, clergy, teachers, students, and others committed to a Catholic world view in which faith and science collaborate in exploring the truth. ITEST explores truth theologically in the wisdom traditions of the human community and in the data studied in the sciences.

Introduction by ITEST Director, Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP

Welcome to the ITEST website. We invite you to explore the many facets of ITEST that are available here: issues of our quarterly bulletin, webinar recordings, conference proceedings, announcements of future events, multiple faith/science essays, interviews with teachers, and our educational program for elementary school children, Creation Lens: Exploring the World, Discovering God. A synopsis of our history, and our mission statement, are only a mouse-click away.

In the fewest possible words, our theme is “Be Not Afraid.” ITEST does not see science as the enemy of religion but stresses their mutual compatibility as parallel pathways toward knowledge.

ITEST focuses on the many ways that faith and science complement each other in the advancement of human knowledge. The Nicene Creed begins “We believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.” What is “visible” is what reaches our senses, including via the sophisticated instruments of science. But God also created the greater realm that goes beyond physics, chemistry and biology, beyond the confines of space, time, atoms and molecules. At ITEST, we don’t regard humans as confined to the physical world alone. We don’t believe God keeps His creation compartmentalized, and so humans shouldn’t either. Religious faith is one way for humans to probe into God’s higher realm, despite our limitations. To whatever extent science and faith can help each other advance, ITEST wants to be there.

St. Augustine said (400 CE) that “the book of nature and the book of scripture were both written by the same Author, and they cannot be in conflict when properly interpreted and understood.” ITEST agrees with that completely. The dialog that we have maintained for 50+ years begins from the belief that God revealed scientific knowledge for a purpose: to use it wisely for the betterment of all humankind. God’s word in scripture is similarly intended, with a richness that transcends human experience. We view the role of religious faith in human history optimistically. Our task is to travel both paths toward God. ITEST strives to have theology and science/technology encounter each other.

Feel free to send inquiries to me via Email: Sebastian Mahfood


New 2025 Webinars

Register Now

AI and Sin:
Medieval Robots and the ​Theology of Technology
April 5, 2025
Christopher M. Reilly, ThD
Jordan Joseph Wales, PhD

Coming Soon

Bioethics and AI as Human Flourishing:
Where Catholic and Orthodox Social Teaching Meet in One Christian Social Ethos
June 14, 2025
Dr. Constantine Psimopoulos
Fr. Michael Baggot


Past webinars

Find past webinars HERE
the December 11, 2021 webinar
with Dr. Tom Sheahen


Upcoming Conference from our friends at Contemplative Network

Register HERE
for the June 17-20, 2025
Faith and Science Conference
Enhanced by Art, Music and Interfaith Mysticism
This Rome conference is sponsored by
Houston-based Contemplative Network (CN)
and Rome-based Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra

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Cardinal Rigali Center

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St. Louis, MO 63119

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